A downloadable game for Windows

Loser Kombat, made for Boğaziçi Game Jam 2021 by Acar Okan AKALIN and Mehmet "Linearblend" Ünlü.

Theme was "The good shall lose".  While brainstorming, we thought about Mortal Kombat X and XI's X-Ray / Fatal Blow mechanism. It is a mechanism that favors the loser, and allows them to make an epic comeback against the victor. Since favoring the loser and punishing the better player suits our jam theme, we wanted to gamify around this mechanic.

In Loser Kombat, the better player will have a hard time as the loser gets stronger by collecting Rage multiplier. Whenever you attack, you lose some of your rage points, and whenever they are damaged, the opponent earns rage points. The exact opposite is also true. It gets exponentially harder, and even a player with 1hp can win against a player with 100hp by one shotting them in the end, as rage point multiplies the damage output.

Get over here, and play Loser Kombat!


LoserKombat.zip 91 MB

Install instructions

Just hit LoserKombat.exe to play. You can use a controller (tested with XBox Elite controller), or a keyboard. Instructions can be found on main menu.

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